Thursday 4 May 2023

Hello and welcome!

Let's face it: Times are tough. Gone are the days (at least for most of us!) when you can take a leisurely stroll down the supermarket isles and absentmindedly fill your trolley to your heart's content. Instead, isles are dotted with laser-focused shoppers armed with calculators, carefully considering every, single purchase. And, despite meticulous planning, most trips seem to end with the inevitable: Returning one or more items to the shelf before checking out, because prices just keep rising

In the midst of all this, it has somehow become cheaper to stock up on highly processed, additive-filled junk than on nourishing, wholesome foods (hellooooo, $8-a-head cauliflowers!)... HOW?! And, more importantly, how does a well-intentioned caregiver hold their ground against this addictive, powerful junk food monster, all while managing a thinly-stretched budget and staying sane...? It sure isn't easy.

But take heart. We've got your back. Like you, we choose to fuel our family with wholesome, nourishing goodness. Plus we're careful about what we put both on our bodies and in our home - all while keeping an ever-determined eye on the budget. And we're here to share what we've discovered and learned (and are continually discovering and learning!) with you! Because goodness knows, we can all do with someone in our corner right about now.

So how will this work? For now, we'll be posting twice a week. On Tuesdays, we'll be sharing some general tips and tricks on stretching your budget further when it comes to everything health and wellness. And then, on Fridays, we'll be sharing a roundup of wellness-related deals we've encountered that week that might just help you get the most bang for your buck too. 

So consider this a warm welcome from our home to yours. Here's to navigating these crazy times together!

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